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DSM Soft, founded in the year 1991 is currently a leading provider of products and services in the Geospatial, Telematics, Engineering and Pre-press domains for private and public sector organizations globally.
The geospatial division of DSM Soft was established in the year 1994 followed by introduction of photogrammetric mapping services in the year 1999. Over the last two decades, the geospatial division has harnessed the experience of working on high volume geospatial projects for private and government mapping agencies to establish highly matured and streamlined process flow lines supported by home grown software programs, systems and operating procedures.
With the right combination of its expertise and skilled resources, DSM Soft consistently delivers significant value to its customers by offering:
DSM Soft undertakes high volume geospatial 2D/3D data conversion projects and has successfully executed mapping projects from disparate and wide-ranging sources (satellite imagery, aerial photography, LiDAR or Legacy maps) to deliver in multiple GIS formats. DSM Soft has a strong customer base in United Kingdom, European Union, Australia and North America.
The range of services include:
Land base mapping is performed using varying resolutions of satellite imagery, aerial photography, LiDAR, field survey inputs and other applicable sources for attribution. DSM Soft’s land base mapping services are used by federal & state governments, local governments and private mapping organizations world-wide.
We have a home-grown platform for cadastral mapping “CADAST(U)RE” and have been catering to federal & state governments in Europe and Australia. Our subject matter experts have enabled land registry organizations in state wide cadastral modernization programmes. Precision is key to land ownership information and hence our cadastral mapping processes are highly capable and reliable for delivering quality outputs consistently.
Detailed mapping is a vital component for rail and road construction projects, be it for expansion of rail and road networks, alignment changes or for new routes. We provide rail and road corridor mapping services using high resolution imagery and LiDAR data acquired using helicopters, drones and satellites.
Monitoring the natural environment is a key focus area of countries worldwide viz mapping of forestry, vegetation, grasslands, permeable & impermeable surfaces, inland water etc., Mapping is performed using aerial & satellite imagery, LiDAR & RADAR, hyper spectral imagery has become inevitable activities of government mapping organizations.
DSM Soft specializes in mapping the natural environment using remote sensing, change detection and feature extraction techniques to address the environmental monitoring needs.
Engineering photogrammetry is the process of reverse engineering structures for design changes using stereo images acquired from fixed optical sensors. Close range terrestrial photogrammetry is used to create stereo images and detailed mapping of structures in the Architecture, Engineering and Construction domain. DSM Soft has experience in the creation of as-built models of heritage structures using close range engineering photogrammetry.
Positional accuracy improvement (PAI) is the process of applying 'shift' to the coordinates of the older maps to coordinates derived from new photography and or improved survey controls. DSM Soft has done high volume PAI projects that involves country wide revision of the map base. It has also developed proprietary software for generation of shift vectors and applying shifts to map layers based on the shift vectors.
DSM Soft has experience in creating composite GIS data sets meeting the accuracy requirements of its customers from a wide variety of intersecting and redundant data sources. COTS ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) platforms as well as home-grown software are used for conflation and quality assurance in such projects.
DSM Soft offers services across the entire spectrum of photogrammetry and terrain data processing. It has experienced highly skilled resources supported by the state-of-art software, systems and documented procedures to handle raw imagery and elevation data from a wide range of sensors prevalent in the industry.
DSM Soft provides a range of image processing services including change detection, ortho-rectification, mosaicing, colour balancing, geo-referencing / geo-rectification of all types of high resolution imagery (aerial and satellite). DSM Soft also specializes in analog and historical imagery processing.
We are thorough in high volume orthophoto production flow lines and capable of delivering orthophotos meeting required accuracy levels and presentation requirements.
We deal with imagery from medium and large format analog/digital cameras. Orthos and true orthos are generated from vertical, oblique cameras and delivered as seamless mosaics. The mosaicking is done with homogenous colour, radiometric corrections and other enhancements based on specific client requirements.
We have significant experience in remote sensing, temporal change detection and analysis from commercially available very high resolution (VHR) satellite imagery and a range of publicly available datasets of Landsat, Sentinel etc. We leverage on latest software technologies and techniques for highly precise and reliable results for a number of applications viz topographic mapping, farming, land use & land cover etc. We process optical, radar and hyper-spectral imagery and have established robust process flowlines with high degree of efficiency and consistency.
From legacy exploration maps to cadastral records, we have the required tools, knowledge and skilled resources to perform raster and vector georeferencing using a wide variety of sources with disparate coordinate systems. We have over years processed millions of documents for assigning spatial dimension to them as part of high volume mapping projects and on a standalone basis.
DSM Soft has strong expertise in temporal analysis of satellite imagery for monitoring changes in landscape over time. With the aid of commercially available software, cloud computing and a core team of remote sensing experts DSM Soft is able to use automated and semi-automated classification of high resolution imagery to produce land use, land cover and habitat maps complying with EUNIS (European Union Nature Information System), CORINE (Coordination of Information on the Environment Land Cover, CLC) and ASDI (Australian Spatial Data Infrastructure) standards.
EUNIS Habitat Land Use and Land Cover Classification
EUNIS Level 2 Land Use and Land Cover Classification
EUNIS Riparian Land Use and Land Cover Classification
Peat Land Restoration
CORINE Land Cover
Urban Atlas Map
DSM Soft, primarily a geospatial services company in business for more than two decades, has built expertise in as-built 3D documentation of buildings, plants, equipment, pipelines and vessels to capture the incremental and undocumented changes over time from the design using high density laser scan inputs and legacy design drawings.
DSM Soft has several years of hard core 3D engineering design and modeling experience with strong augmentation from geospatial, process management and software divisions to establish end to end BIM processing.
From 2D and 3D CAD level of detail to BIM level of detail, we are able to deliver in quick turnaround times and exceptionally high levels of quality at significantly low rates.
DSM Soft has a wealth of experience in offering utility mapping services. It has executed large electrical utility mapping projects, which has led to the development a highly generic utility mapping production system. This generic system is flexible enough to accommodate complex business rules that differentiate one utility project from the other. This flexibility facilitates the creation of a highly optimized production flow line for creating as-built Network Information Systems. DSM Soft has the expertise in ESRI, ArcFM, ArcFM UT, PARIS, Bentley and GE Smallworld technologies.
With a strong background of more than 25 years in digital mapping and based on its extensive knowledge of several GIS and Database management systems, DSM Soft has developed strong software development expertise in the mapping domain, with a focus on the design and development of spatial data and GIS applications.
Our experienced GIS Business Analysts and Software Architects provide comprehensive GIS solutions design for improving the business operations of the customer. We deliver the following:
Using cutting-edge technologies and appropriate industry best practices, our programmers develop high quality systems with simple and intuitive interfaces providing excellent user experience.
Our GIS based web solutions facilitate GIS data and services to be consumed by users with minimal or no exposure to GIS. Our web design team develops highly responsive and interactive websites with workflows, maps and social media integration. Using the web interface, users can search, select and query relevant GIS data and create theme maps. Web pages are also optimized for search engine crawlers.
Comprehensive user manuals for end users and administrators are provided followed by training sessions designed as per the needs of different user groups that interact with the system.
Geospatial division provides comprehensive and cost-effective services to:
Mapping Services
Geo Terrain Based Services
Image Processing Services
Building Information Modeling
Utility Network Information System
GIS Software Development Services
Product Design & Support
Knowledge Based Engineering
Value Engineering
Finite Element Analysis
Reverse Engineering
Tool Engineering
Drawing Office Services
Animation & Technical Documentation
Publisher Services
Multilingual DTP
eLearning Localization
Technical Publishing
Semi-automated Publishing
Digital Conversion
Business Process Outsourcing
Cargo Shipment
Coal Transportation
Public Transportation
Student Tracking
Waste Disposal Management
Cloud points to BIM
Point cloud registration
CAD conversion
Revit modeling
Revit family creation
3D mesh modeling
3D modeling
3D animation and walk throughs
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